How do they blog in the language they don't know? They use Bing, Google Translate and any translation software. Article spinner is also used to produce crappy posts stolen from English blogs they find by a click or two on Google. While they think it is not going to be caught, many bloggers and article writers have found their writings copied by these people.
Indonesian bloggers write articles which they have no idea about it, such as how to deal with inflation and how to get rid of dark spots, watch shocking presentation.
The crazy thing is this: Although their contents are all not original, Google ranks their website good and they make thousands of dollars every month from Adsense. This is crazy and definitely not fair. I myself registered in Adsense in 2009 but only got paid from the service three times.
One lesson you and I and every bloggers can learn from these people is you have to do harder work to earn money from blog. If these Indonesians can do it by cheating, you should be able to do even better by clean blogging--no copy paste, no article spinning.
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