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How to deal with some typos and grammar errors in your articles

If you are used to reading this blog, you'll find that many typos and grammar errors here are left without revising. I don't have the need for revising them because this blog is just a diary blog that stores my stories and daily activities during in the village and in the capital city of Jakarta. When I made typos and grammar mistakes, I just leave it as it is. In fact, I don't edit my post.

However, if you are a student or journalist or anybody whose job has something to do with good writing, then typos cannot be tolerated. You have to scan your articles for its occurrence. And make sure your grammar is perfect. I know some Indonesians find it difficult to learn English grammar because it has tenses, which is not available in Indonesian grammar.

One way to detect typos is by activating your spell checker on your Word or Android keyboard--if you write from your phone. I myself write a lot from my Cross A7#, an android phone which I bought last year with Arul and Bio Ahmed, with whom I will spend New Year in the village.

Also you need to learn better English from a good teacher to improve your articles. If you can't find a good teacher, go to to watch hundreds of lessons on grammar and English writing skill. Happy studying, happy writing in English.
Tag : diary

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