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Learning to write better from Time, Poynter and The New York Times Website


Since 2004, I read old Time magazine which I bought for $0.2 in a bus station in my village Blimbing. My Englis was so poor I didn't know many of the words in it. As a result, I had to place a dictionary next to me, open it to find the meaning of a word, then take note of the vocabulary in a small black book. From reading this magazine, I have more vocabularies and get better understanding of how sentences work. As you know, Time uses many complex sentences with words, phrases, difficult structures.

Poynter, a Website about journalism, is my second recources in learning to write. My friend Andreas Harsono, a journalist and human rights activist, introduced me Roy Peter Clark's Fifty Writing Tools, which is very helpful to improve my writing skill. From 2008 until now, I have followed every article Mr. Clark writes. He writes about tips, tricks and strategies to make better writing. Also read My neighbor is a Christian and I, as Muslim, wish him Merry Christmas.

The New York Times

With a higher level of difficulties, The New York Times is one of the best references to improve your reporting if you're a journalist, or to hone your sentence structures if you're an English student like me. My friend Harry is one of those who I recommned to read this site. Although Harry has difficulties reading it and has to consult dictionaries whenever he stumbles into a new word, he enjoys reading the page.
Tag : diary

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