He shared the trick with the community, saying that he signed up for an account in such websites as Squidoo, Hubpages and Ezine Articles. The guy also said that he added five photos and at least two videos in every single post. Well, it is kind of tiring. Another user in the forum, however, told him that it was better to write such a large number of posts for his own blog.
Following this guy's step, I make this blog for massive original updates. All the posts here are not automated nor written by article spinning software. Every day, at least six times, I sit in front of laptop and type whatever comes out from my head, well, including this article. And the funny thing is here: I don't edit my posts, a behavior that is very unusual for me. You know, I am a perfectionist. I can revise my articles in bahasa Indonesia ten times before hitting the publish button. This blog teaches me to let the articles speak by itself and let the grammar errors visible as it is. More honest.
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