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Communicating with friends who live far from us using messenger apps

My friends Harry, Adam, Arul and Ahmad Habibi are in Lamongan, East Java, and I am currently living in the capital city of Jakarta. We can somehow connect to each other using many tools provided by something called technology. With Arul, I chat using WhatsApp. With Harry and Adam Mulya, I use Facebook messenger.

As best friends, they know how to make me happy and how to help me with anything. Harry, for instance, picks me in Babat train station when I go home from Jakarta. Yes, buddies create us happier! And those with bigger group of buddies are more happy, or at least appear so. The Beneficial Specialists say: We are more happy when we are with other individuals (as in comparison to when we are alone) - and this applies for all of us. They also determined that more happy individuals are more friendly. And more friendly individuals are more happy. It performs both ways.

We understand value of being friends. We never underestimate each other. Instead, we talk and share knowledge. Harry and I like to sit in a coffee shop to talk about many topics, mostly religion, which our interest. Top quality and Volume of Relationship figure out the level of success and pleasure in our life. Amount represents the number of buddies one has, and the Top quality symbolizes the support and participation made by those buddies. The mental and physical abilities of a person figure out the nature of friendship. The studious students create one team while those with a strong body form another team. In the office also, individuals having the same cadre set up an organization. Older individuals create their own group. However, the friendship occurs faster within a sex.

Although you and your friends have differences, and everyone does, you have to be tolerant to accept that. Friendships do not recognize boundaries, be it faith or choice of life. Someone said, "It requires so much power to dislike than to love". When you see two or more individuals who have come a lengthy way and distributed many factors in typical, instantly have misconception, it comes to a factor where one of them understands that he or she is incorrect after examining the whole problem. But the person will not like to say sorry to prevent being on the dropping part or sensation humiliated; some individuals contact it "falling of hand". It is said that "prevention is better than cure". Everyone is right in his or her own way; no one wants to take the drop. It requires a lot of inner durability and humbleness to contact a truce with someone. Sometimes you might have to confess to what you did not do for it to be resolved.

With Harry, I can share how blogging is fun and how editing in Photoshop can be an interesting stuff. He has recently learned some new things such as how to retouch photos from his android, and I am happy with that. It's more than what Aristotle suggested about maintaining a relationship strong by taking more than one and a 50 percent bushels of sodium together. It's creating relationships over different age categories. And, when one buddy leaves for what ever purpose, that he or she is changed with an other. It's hardly a latest exposure that, as we age, we need a friendship-building technique. More than 250 decades ago, Samuel Brown was emphasizing the need to create new associates through lifestyle.

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