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Fried rice and gado-gado, two traditional foods in Indonesia, a country of Muslim extremists

I don't say that all Indonesians are terrorists by the title. But this country truly has many radical groups, from fanatic Muslims to those who force people and themselves to make caliphate in the archipelago. Fried rice and gado-gado, two delicious foods and my favorites besides sate, are found in this country. Go to Java or Jakarta and you'll easily find these two traditional foods sold by vendors.

This afternoon, Sury and I ate them. She had fried rice and I had gado-gado. With only $1 per portion, I have to admit this is the best gado-gado I ever ate.

gado-gado and fried rice in indonesia

After eating these two spicy foods, we came back home and turned on our laptop to go online. We didn't have Internet access today; Three and Telkomsel had been so bad for the last three days, but there was free Wi-fi from our neighbor.

Because the Wi-fi in our laptop is broken, we cannot connect it using our laptop. So using white Android charger as USB and Internet tether to my ASUS laptop, I run PdaNet, an application that helps tether Internet connection from Wi-fi or from VPN to other device. It worked.

Tonight, we planned to eat fried rice and gado-gado again. I am  not sure if the gado-gado is only good and delicious when we buy it from this man, but trust me I never ate such a delicious gado-gado before.
Tag : diary

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