This afternoon, Sury and I ate them. She had fried rice and I had gado-gado. With only $1 per portion, I have to admit this is the best gado-gado I ever ate.
After eating these two spicy foods, we came back home and turned on our laptop to go online. We didn't have Internet access today; Three and Telkomsel had been so bad for the last three days, but there was free Wi-fi from our neighbor.
Because the Wi-fi in our laptop is broken, we cannot connect it using our laptop. So using white Android charger as USB and Internet tether to my ASUS laptop, I run PdaNet, an application that helps tether Internet connection from Wi-fi or from VPN to other device. It worked.
Tonight, we planned to eat fried rice and gado-gado again. I am not sure if the gado-gado is only good and delicious when we buy it from this man, but trust me I never ate such a delicious gado-gado before.
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