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Using white Android charger as USB and Internet tether to my ASUS laptop

This white Android charger belongs to Sury. The one we bought yesterday sucks; it recharges the battery but not connects to laptop as USB. So after I let her know last night, she said she would use it and I will use her white charger to tether Internet connection to our ASUS laptop.

As I always mention in this blog, I post ten days per days and I don't have any modems, so I use my Cross A7#, an android phone, a lot to go online on PC. Very often, while I sit in front of laptop, I write articles as I talk to my kid who plays free online games on tablet. Writing blog posts, for me now, is like eating snacks or my favorite satay. I can easily write without thinking too much, without caring about grammar and punctuation. For that is not my main concern.

This habit is transmitted by some bloggers abroad and in Indonesia, who earn hundreds of dollars every month from their blog. Blog requires content. And content requires diligent writers, an active bloggers who post regularly. How do you do that? Write the same way as you talk. Or if you still have problems generating ideas what to write, just meet your friend and invite him to have coffee in a cafe. As you enjoy the coffee, talk with him about anything that interests you, probably about Kim Kardashian or about how to make money online from blogs. Anything.

You'll definitely find a lot of ideas by dong this. Johny and I, when I was still in the village, did this every day. Next month when I am home, I will do it again with him and with Harry and other friends there. Happy blogging, everyone.
Tag : diary

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