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I have sore throat after singing in a karaoke with my girlfriend

After going for karaoke yesterday, this morning I felt painful in my throat, possibly because I was too serious or too shy of singing in front Sury. Some songs we sang were high-pitch ones, from local to international singers. Although some singers were not familiar to me, I followed the lyrics and sang with Sury as loud as I can. You know, it feels like you're free in that room; screaming as you like and jumping on the table as you wanted will not be reprimanded by anybody.

But my throat just felt okay yesterday when we went home at about 9 p.m. This morning at 2 a.m. when I woke up, the right side of my throat felt like being hit by a volley ball. It is painful and uncomfortable.

Searching for info on Google, I found some articles and YouTube videos on this problem. It turned out that it was my own mistakes that made this stupid sore. Teri Danz, a blogger of FemMuse, wrote some good tips to avoid having sore throat, two of which are warming up and taking hot water for a bath. She also suggets to eat properly, with more protein so the sore can easly heal. Here is what she says in her blog:

Being good at assessing the situation is critical — how sick or ill you actually are (do you need to see a doctor for instance?), what type of gig, what time (it takes longer to warm up for a day gig), how many sets, the venue, your schedule around the gig and how much time you have to take care of yourself with rest prior to the gig. Once you clearly assess the situation, there are lots of things you can do.

I have not let Sury know about the sore, but I will ask her this morning if she has the same problems. When singing Demi Lovato's songs, she also screamed. I smiled and looked at her when she did that, and we laughed together.
Tag : diary, how to

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