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Using speech to text in Android Swiftkey keyboard to write blog posts faster and more effectively

Are you trapped on the bus, on a public transport, or in a place where it is not good to write from your phone? You want to blog, but that difficult situation prevents you from doing it. Why don't you write with your voice using speech to text feature in Android Swiftkey  keyboard? Just like diary, writing blog posts should be an easy job to do.

I learned this trick for the first time from A.S Laksana several years ago. As Laksana, an author himself, writes a lot using his voice recorder in his phone. When he's on the way home and his deadline is so tight, he will speak through his phone like a preacher talking in front of pious Muslims. Using a speech to text feature is one of the tips on how to write blog posts for Blogger using Android phone.

He talks about anything, about religion, about writing advice for beginning writers, about young users quitting using Facebook. Laksana is a fast writer and typer. At home, he asks his wife to type what he has recorded or sometimes he does it himself while having coffee. After the script is typed in the computer, he does the second and most important job: editing. Writing, for As Laksana, is the easiest to do. When you write in the early stage, you actually draft.

Now mimicking A.S Laksana, every now and then, I will update this blog post via email using voice to text feature in Swiftkey. My Android has been using this keyboard for a year now, and I love its features so much. Swiftkey allows you type faster with its auto complete text and dictionary mode which is available in English, Javanese, Indonesian and many other languages.
Tag : diary

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