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Why is it haram for muslims in Indonesia to wish Christians Merry Christmas

This stupid debate occurs every year in December in Indonesia, a country with the largest Muslim population. You will hear your friends your neighbors, your colleagues at work debating about whether or not wishing merry Christmas is haram or forbidden in Islam. This is stupid, I must say.

Those people say that when you wish a Christian Merry Christmas, then you agree with the christmas and the birth of Jesus, thus making you a Christian. Additionally, these people refer to one of the hadiths that tell us not to follow the style of disbelievers. Wishing merry Christmas is not Muslim style. Those who follow their style, say the hadith, belongs to them. Also read Just like diary, writing blog posts should be an easy job to do.

It is not of my opinion. For me, wishing merry Christmas is an expression or respect, friendship and tolerance. Those Christians wish us Eid Mubarak on Lebaran day. How can we refuse wishing them merry Christmas? If you think by doing this it means we follow their style, then we have followed many of their styles, including holidays every Sunday and December 25.

Joining the holidays is more kafir than wishing Merry Christmas because you agree that December 25 is Christmas and the birthday of Jesus Christ, son of God. Rather debating about this, it is better for you to improve tolerance and social relationship with different religions.

Tag : diary

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