Today while installing Avast anti virus to our laptop, the laptop automatically downloaded Dropbox and when it was done, it installed by itself. I didn't worry about that because when I woke up at 1 am, I saw a notification that said: Installation failed.
Dropbox, cloud file storage service, is not really important for me because I already have Google Drive, which is my favorite. Anything from Google, such as Blogger, Gmail and video sharing service YouTube, is my number one choice--although I prefer Facebook to Google+.
Outside the house now, while this post is being written, it is raining so heavily. I was a bit sad to know that Sury came to my house last night when Agsya and I fell asleep. Agsya went out with Victor's family and came home to my house at 10:30 pm, not to her mother's, because he wanted to sleep here. Sury checked if he was already home by looking at his sandals.
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