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Facebook ban in Indonesia by Muslim extremists that say God forbids them

Men in my village are mostly extremists. You cannot understand the way they think because they think differently. They don't accept difference and refuse religious tolerance. For them, Islam doesn't recognize tolerance.

On December 25 for example, I keep questioning why is it haram for muslims in Indonesia to wish Christians Merry Christmas. Their answer will be cliché: because there is a hadith that forbids us to follow the style of the kuffar. So what about solar calendar? It follows the kuffar and they still use it.

The same case applies to Facebook. They are just too sensitive with Jews and Christians. Just because Facebook is founded not by a Muslim, then they avoid using it. They say, "If you use Facebook which is made by kafir, then you became kafir, just like him." Isn't he kafir too for using a mobile phone they produce? Also read Jogging plan in the morning fails because of the bad weather in the capital city.

Go to Indonesia if you want to see how intolerance is executed. Churches are burnt. Temples are destroyed. Priests and innocent people are killed. They do it for one reason: religion.

Tag : islam

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